Unlocking Incremental Revenue: A Proven Business Plan Template For Your Team

businessdevelopment businessplanning revenuegrowth salesconsulting salesmanagement salesstrategy salestips teamperformance Jul 28, 2024

In order to have a high performing team, It is essential for teams to focus their efforts on activities that drive the most incremental revenue. As a sales manager or business leader, you need a robust framework to help guide your team.  This business plan template consists of three key parts: Current Funnel and Sales Targets, Territory Analysis, and Proactive Monthly Activities.

Why a Business Plan Matters

Having a structured business plan is critical to team success for several reasons:

  • Focus: It ensures that your team is dedicating their time to the most impactful activities
  • Accountability: It provides a clear roadmap that can be regularly reviewed and adjusted
  • Growth: It identifies opportunities for expansion and addresses potential risks in your sales territory.

Part 1: Current Funnel and Sales Targets

Start by examining your current sales funnel:

  • Identify Open Opportunities: Look at the deals in progress and forecast their likelihood of closing
  • Sales Targets: Establish clear targets for your team based on the current funnel.

This initial analysis helps set the stage for more detailed planning and ensures everyone is aligned on immediate goals.

Part 2: Territory Analysis

Territory analysis can vary depending on whether you have a shorter or longer sales cycle. This analysis focuses on three areas:

  • Top 3 Growing Accounts: Identify the accounts with the most growth and develop activities that will help understand what's driving that growth
  • Top 3 Declining Accounts: Pinpoint accounts that are losing business and investigate the reasons behind it
  • Top 3 New Business Opportunities: Identify potential new clients or markets that could contribute to future growth.

Gather this information from various sources, such as year-to-date reports, qualitative insights about the territory, and common sales dashboards.

For teams with longer sales cycles, divide the territory analysis into two parts:

  • Existing Business: Look for ways to expand services or products with current clients while preventing any potential losses
  • New Client Opportunities: Identify new clients or regions using business reports, Google searches, or internal reporting systems.

Part 3: Proactive Monthly Activities

Outline the proactive activities that your team members have planned for the month. This includes:

  • Sales Calls and Visits: Plan visits to high-priority clients and new prospects.
  • Strategic Engagements: Ensure activities are aligned with the top growth opportunities and not just routine check-ins.

Review these plans regularly with your team to ensure they are focused on the most impactful tasks.

Best Practices for Implementing the Plan

  • Use Accessible Formats: The plan can be in a spreadsheet, document, or slide format. What matters most is ease of use and accessibility.
  • Shared Folders: Create a shared folder where team members can upload their plans. Ensure only relevant parties have access to maintain confidentiality.
  • Dashboard Integration: If possible, work with your sales operations to create a dashboard that automatically pulls relevant data. This reduces manual input and ensures accuracy.

Regular Review and Follow-up

One of the biggest mistakes managers make is not revisiting the business plans after their initial creation. To avoid this, establish a regular review cadence:

  • One-on-One Check-ins: Occasionally review the plans during your regular one-on-one meetings with team members.
  • Quarterly Reviews: Conduct a formal review every quarter. This timing allows for meaningful analysis and adjustments without overwhelming the team with constant updates.

Overcoming Resistance

Some team members, especially those with longer tenures, may resist this structured approach. It's essential to be firm, fair, and friendly:

  • Consistency: Regularly review and follow up on the plans to show their importance.
  • Flexibility: Be open to feedback and make adjustments as needed, but maintain the core structure and objectives.

Implementing this business plan template can transform how your team operates, ensuring they focus on high-impact activities that drive revenue growth. By regularly reviewing and adjusting the plan, you can keep your team aligned, motivated, and accountable.

Get your free business plan template here.  Start using this template today and watch your team's performance soar!