The Secret Tool for Assessing Your Team: Competency Frameworks

competency framework constructive feedback job description alignment leadership tools observable behaviors performance evaluation promotion advocacy sales management team assessment team development Jun 18, 2024

One of the most powerful tools you can use to achieve this is a competency framework. If you aren't already using one, it’s time to start.

What is a Competency Framework?

A competency framework is a non-biased method to assess your team's observable behaviors against a set standard. This framework is tied to the job description and outlines the qualitative aspects of a role, helping everyone in the organization understand what success looks like.


The Building Blocks of a Competency Framework

A typical competency framework is composed of three to five core competencies relevant to the role. Each competency is rated across three levels:

  • Below Standard
  • At Standard
  • Above Standard

These levels are used to rate observable behaviors across the core competencies. You can create your own framework if your organization doesn’t already have one, starting with your HR partner and the job description to identify key competencies.


Steps to Create Your Competency Framework

  1. Consult Your HR Partner: They can provide guidance and inform you if an existing framework is available.
  2. Review Job Descriptions: Use these as a starting point to identify core competencies.
  3. Define Competencies: Focus on qualitative aspects, such as collaboration or product knowledge.
  4. Set Rating Levels: Decide on the number of levels (three is common) and define what behaviors fit each level.


Using the Competency Framework

As a sales manager, you’ll use this framework to observe and rate your team’s behaviors during regular interactions, whether in the field or on calls. It’s important to regularly work with your team to capture accurate behaviors.


Real-World Applications

Example 1: Managing Premature Promotion Requests

Henry, a new team member, was eager for a promotion after only nine months in the role. Using the competency framework, I reviewed his observable behaviors, revealing that he was not yet performing above standard in any of the competencies. This provided a clear, constructive way to guide his development.

Example 2: Addressing Below Standard Performance

Charlotte had been with the company for two years but consistently showed below-standard behavior in many key areas. By using the competency framework, I could provide specific feedback and examples, helping her understand where she needed improvement.

Example 3: Recognizing High Performers

James was consistently above standard across most competencies. The framework allowed me to present a solid case for his promotion to leadership, emphasizing his readiness based on concrete successful behaviors.


Why Competency Frameworks Matter

Competency frameworks provide a structured, fair way to assess and develop your team. They ensure everyone knows what success looks like and help you give precise feedback and support. They are also invaluable for making promotion decisions based on more than just sales numbers.

Using a competency framework can transform how you manage and develop your sales team. It provides clarity and a solid foundation for guiding performance and recognizing excellence.

Start using competency frameworks today and see the difference they make in your team’s success!